Thursday, March 10

Facebook Fans

Hi everyone!! Do you use Facebook? I use it for the business but rarely use it for personal stuff. It kind of freaks me out to say too much out there---who could be watching? Could they use it against me?? Must be the ex-auditor in me to think that way!

For business reasons, Facebook is great to reach a large population of crafters. It's a great way to network or send links to your friends. And it's been very good to us so far!!

Since we ran our ad with Scrapbook Trends Magazine (an email blast), we are almost at 1,000 Facebook Fans!! That's more than double what we had before the ad!

Here's what I'm going to do----get your crafty friends to come on over & "like" us and when we get to 1,000 fans, EVERYONE will get a surprise!! And it will be a good one! (who would want a bad surprise?!?  LOL).

So go invite your friends and the sooner they "like" us, the sooner everyone gets the surprise! :)

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